Drainage Installations
All-Weather Drainage Installation and Maintenance in Delta and Lower Mainland
Are you struggling with flooding water in your driveways and parking lots? Is it destroying the aesthetic appeal of your residential and commercial property? Prevent overflowing water with professional drainage installation services offered by Elite Paving Ltd in Delta and Lower Mainland. Our professionals ensure the proper flow of rainwater, standing water and other flooding materials with their reliable and maintenance services that can extend the life of your property’s pavement. Having standing water is not only hazardous in different weather conditions, but can also deteriorate your pavement over time. For residential applications, we install strip drain and lawn basins as well as catch basins.
The key to the longevity of your driveways and pavements is to make sure that rain and snow water always finds their way out through the proper channels. At Elite Paving Ltd, we offer cost-effective and time-tested drainage installation solutions to protect your property against water and weather damage. Connect with our experts today to schedule your drainage installation and maintenance services.
Why Parking Lot and Driveway Drainage is Necessary?
Proper drainage systems for your parking lot and driveways are often missed and overlooked while installing the pavements. Standing and overflowing water might look harmless at first but can become a serious issue for your commercial or residential property if overlooked for longer periods of time. It will not only cause flooding and create problems for pedestrians and vehicles but can damage the asphalt. Oxygen and UV rays can work together with the standing water and may cause cracks in pavements, thereby seeping into the subsoil. To prevent these problems, you must consider proper drainage to enhance the longevity of your driveways and parking lots and lower the repair and maintenance costs.
If you see pooling or running water in the middle of your parking lots, consider calling our services to address the issue. Our technicians can offer slope corrections, repair catch basins and install curbs and gutters for easy water flow.
Benefits of Installing Drainage System
Installing parking lot and driveway drainage at your property can have the following advantages:
- Improves the bearing capacity of your parking lots, providing overall safety to the vehicles;
- Minimizes parking lot erosion by controlling the water flow;
- Enhances the longevity of the terrain and reduces repair and maintenance costs;
- Increased traffic safety by ensuring no pooling water on the surface;
- Maintains the appearance of your property;
- Reduces the frequency of repair and maintenance activities.
Common Issues with Parking Lot Drainage
Drainage issues can pose a serious threat to the functionality and integrity of your property. If you lack proper driveway or parking lot drainage, it may not only puddle up the standing water but also cause great difficulty for pedestrians and vehicles to move and ultimately might result in serious pavement damage. Some common problems with trench drains are:
- Cracked pavements are difficult to clean and maintain.
- If the load is too high on the driveways, it might create pressure and break.
- Clogged drains will cause backflow of water, causing flooding.
- Growth of bacteria on the surface can lead to foul odour around your property.
If you encounter such issues, it is recommended for you to get the installation, repair and maintenance of the parking lot done right away!
Why Choose Us?
If there’s any standing water on your pavement, it can lead to moisture-related cracks, as a result of which plants will take root and tear through the asphalt over time causing more damage and materials to enter through the cracks. This cycle will repeat itself until it reaches a hazardous stage. As property owners, you can avoid long-term and expensive pavement crack repairs by connecting with our seasoned professionals who can install, repair and maintain any pavement in Delta and Lower Mainland cost-effectively and efficiently.
With over 125 years of combined experience in the excavation and paving industry, Elite Paving Ltd guarantees you unparalleled workmanship, trustworthy services and quality installations on every project.
Call us to install professional water drainage to extend the life of your parking lots and driveways today.